We have supported authors like you by editing 90,000 papers in the physical sciences
Experts in 400+ academic fields
We have edited and prepared papers in astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth Sciences.
We know what it takes to get published in high-impact journals. We will guide you through the publication journey and help your paper get the recognition it deserves.

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Preferred by the world’s leading Physical Sciences journals
AJE is the preferred editing service for Springer Nature and many other leading publishers. We are trusted to improve manuscript quality, making it easier for editors to assess and process manuscripts quickly and fairly.

Our advanced degree editors have experience and expertise across all areas of the physical sciences
- Agrochemicals
- Analytical Chemistry
- Bioinorganic chemistry
- Biological Chemistry
- Biopolymers
- Catalysis
- Cement Chemistry
- Computational Chemistry
- Crystallography
- Electrochemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Food Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Mass Spectrometry
- Materials Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Nanoscience
- Natural Product Chemistry
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Photonics/optics
- Physical Chemistry
- Polymer Science
- Spectroscopy
- Surface chemistry
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Biophysics
- Computational Physics
- Electrophysics
- Hard Condensed-matter Physics
- High Energy and Particle Physics
- Magnetism
- Nanoscience
- Nuclear Physics
- Optics/Lasers
- Plasma and Fluids
- Scattering
- Soft Condensed-matter Physics
- Theoretical Physics
- Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
- Mathematical Physics
- Paleobotany
- Paleoecology
- Paleozoology
- Taphonomy
Space Science
- Astrobiology
- Astrochemistry
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Comet Research
- Meteoritics
- Planetary Science
- Space Exploration
- Theoretical Astrophysics
Earth Science
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Climate Analysis and Modeling
- Climatology
- Economic Geology
- Geochemistry
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geology
- Geomorphology
- Geophysics
- Glaciology
- Historical Geology and Stratigraphy
- Hydrology
- Meteorology
- Oceanography
- Petroleum Geology
- Petrology
- Physical Geography
- Planetary Geology
- Seismology
- Volcanology
Our Team
Our team understands your research and know what it takes to get published in high-impact journals. We will help you succeed in your publication goals.
Larissa Milicic
Operations Specialist
PhD, Neutrino Physics
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Jen Kirchhoff
Academic Editor III, AJE
PhD, Physics
Florida State University
Mike Machczynski
Chemical Physics
California Institute of Technology
Libby Ritz
Academic Editor, Expert
PhD, Geology
Stanford University