Quality that Meets the Standards of the World’s Leading Journals
1000+ dedicated editors and translators, all committed to delivering the best version of your manuscript.

The AJE Guarantee
Our editing is proven to improve the chances of acceptance in high-impact journals.

100% satisfaction guaranteed
Our expert editors and translators are all certified by AJE to deliver the same high standards for every project. They are experts in their field of study and fully understand how important it is to get your research published. All of our services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
No compromise in ethics or integrity
We’re committed to ethical practices in our business and the highest standards of integrity across all our services.
We hire the very best
AJE editors and translators have extensive field and/or lab experience as well as rigorous training in editing or translation. We want a successful outcome for your projects and will work with you every step of the way.
Quality outcomes for every project
Your experience matters to us. When you choose AJE services, you can be assured of the same high standards and consistency thanks to our robust training and policies.
Guidance from a Research Communication Partner every step of the way
We care about your success. That’s why a dedicated coach – a Research Communication Partner (RCP) – will work with you to understand your needs. An RCP will continue to work with you until you are satisfied with the final outcome of your edited manuscript.
journals and societies recommend AJE
field-specific topics in 400+ areas of study
1 million+
authors served in 192 countries