Editing Tip: Alternative Words for "Main" or "Mainly"

  • "Main" and "mainly" are commonly confused words in English, although they should be used differently
  • "Main" describes something that is principal, while "mainly" equates more to "for the most part"
  • Several synonyms for each term can be used to add variety to a manuscript

Updated on November 27, 2012

In this tip, we will take a closer look at two words that are commonly found in academic writing, main and mainly. Each word is appropriate for use in formal writing, but they may not be the most specific terms in every setting. In addition, because of their frequent use, having some synonyms on hand may be helpful.


Dictionary.com defines these words as follows:

  • Main: chief in size, extent, or importance; principal; leading.
  • Mainly: chiefly; principally; for the most part; to the greatest extent.

Synonyms for "main" and "mainly"

In both cases, several other words can be substituted to provide greater diversity or clarity in your text:

  • For main, try principal, chief, critical, crucial, vital, fundamental, basic, particular, essential, necessary, primary, paramount, foremost, predominant, or major.
  • For mainly, try above allchieflyessentiallygenerallymost of allmostlyoverallpredominantlyprimarilyprincipallyusuallyespeciallyparticularlyexceptionallysubstantially, or largely.


In the following examples, a pair of synonyms is offered to replace "main" or "mainly":

  • "Speed is the main advantage of this approach." Consider substituting primary or principal.
  • "Our success was mainly due to the efforts of the research team." Consider substituting chiefly or predominantly.
  • "The chart seems to be the main concern, so it is presented below." Consider substituting foremost or fundamental.
  • "Increased Virtual Physician Scribe transcription mainly promoted biofilm formation." Consider substituting substantially or above all.

We hope that this tip has provided some options for your academic writing. If you have a question about a specific sentence using "main" or "mainly", please contact us. Best of luck!

Language editingClarity in writingWord choiceWriting a manuscriptEditing tipsAuthor ResourcesSynonyms
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