5 Women Who Are Significantly Impacting Science
Many women have been leaders in scientific discoveries and improvements. Read about 5 women from around the globe who have impacted their fields.
Updated on March 7, 2019
As a company that is thankful for the women we have in leadership, we understand the importance of women participating in research and the scientific community. Although women are estimated to make up only about 28.8% of the world's research and development workforce and in some cases, are working with less funding, many are choosing to not let any challenges hold them back.
In honor of International Women's Day this year, we have compiled a list of 5 female researchers whose work is impacting the global community. In addition to this list, we want to celebrate all women who are pushing beyond hardships to pursue their research and impact science. This is incredibly important work that matters. Thank you.
We hope you enjoy this list, and we would love to hear from you about the women you know who are impacting science!
5 Women Who are Significantly Impacting Science
1. Felycia Edi Soetaredjo
Dr. Soetaredjo is a researcher at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya in Indonesia. Her work has focused on addressing contamination in water, as she aims to bring clean water to her community.
2. Mayana Zatz
Dr. Zatz, a researcher at the University of São Paulo in Brazil has worked to help children with muscular dystrophy. She has done this through the foundation of the Brazilian Association of Muscular Dystrophy, as well as through extensive work and research.
3. Noriko Osumi
Dr. Osumi is a neuroscientist in Japan at Tohoku University. In her research, she has studied how brain cells are related to the development of disorders. She has also been instrumental in researching and gaining more information about PAX6.
4. Tessy María López Goerne
Dr. López Goerne is a researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico. Her research has been concerned with nanotechnology and nanomedicine. Additionally, she helped lead the development of the field, catalytic nanomedicine.
5. Yanli Wang
Dr. Wang is a principal investigator (PI) at the Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research has concentrated on RNA, DNA, and CRISPR. She has been involved in many studies, and one that she led “solved the crystal structure of the AcrIIA2-Cas9-sgRNA ternary complex at 3.3 angstrom resolution.”
Additional Sources:
- México. (2018, February 1). Female Mexican Scientists Who Make Us Proud [Web log post]. Retrieved March 7, 2019, from https://www.mexico.mx/en/articles/mexican-scientists-pride
- Yuan, Zhang. (2017, February 28). 10 Women Awarded for Contributions to Science [Web log post]. Retrieved March 7, 2019, from http://www.womenofchina.cn/womenofchina/html1/projects/awards/1703/350-1.htm