Author Charla Viera, MS

Charla Viera graduated from The University of Washington with a BA in Urban Studies and a BA in Environmental Studies. Her undergraduate research included household energy consumption and practical greywater systems. She later earned an MS in Library and Information Science from Texas Woman's University. Her graduate thesis focused on the role of libraries as community anchors in rural Texas communities.

Charla Viera, MS

Charla Viera, MS

AJE Author

27 results

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The Writing Process: Prewriting

Draft eye-catching figures and tables, then build a roadmap for your manuscript with an outline. Prewriting transforms your data into a captivating story for impactful scientific communication.

by Charla Viera, MS

5 min

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The Writing Process: Revising, Editing, and Proofreading

Polishing your manuscript isn't just about typos. It's a three-step process (revise, editing, proofreading) to take your writing from good to great.

by Charla Viera, MS

11 min

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The Writing Process: Planning

Careful planning is the first step to writing a successful scientific manuscript. By considering the "What, How, Why, and Who" of your research, you can craft a clear and concise message that will resonate with your target audience.

by Charla Viera, MS

5 min

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The Writing Process: Drafting

Struggling to craft a clear and impactful research manuscript for your target journal? You're not alone. This guide will equip you with strategies to streamline the writing process and effectively communicate your findings.

by Charla Viera, MS

5 min

two researchers avoid plagiarism in research
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2023 Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism: How to Avoid Plagiarism in the World of AI

In the digital age, navigating plagiarism complexities safeguards ethical integrity. Innovations such as AI both complicate and assist this process, helping authors protect their work and reputations.

by Charla Viera, MS

6 min

a researcher effectively and ethically using text recycling methods
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Best Practices for Text Recycling

The use of recycled text has generated debates due to unclear guidelines, but researchers and publishers emphasize the need for ethical and appropriate practices. Text recycling involves reusing one's own writing without proper citation, and while it differs from plagiarism, it raises questions about when and how to credit oneself.

by Charla Viera, MS

9 min

Harvard President Claudine Gay Resignation: What is means for the larger academic community
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Harvard President Claudine Gay Resignation: What is means for the larger academic community

The case of Claudine Gay highlights the rising use of AI-driven plagiarism detection tools in academia, prompting researchers to reconsider their citation practices and adapt to evolving standards.

by Charla Viera, MS

4 min

a student reading a banned book
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Let Freedom Read: Banned Books Week 2023

In an effort to highlight the dangers of censorship, library and First Amendment activist Judith Krug founded Banned Books Week in 1982. Through activities, events, and a slew of resources, the campaign encourages readers to voice their censorship concerns, examine challenged literary works, and celebrate free expression in their communities. 

by Charla Viera, MS

7 min

What is Research Design?
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What is Research Design?

Crafting a well-defined research design is essential for guiding the entire project, ensuring coherence in methodology and analysis, and upholding the validity and reproducibility of outcomes in the complex landscape of research.

by Charla Viera, MS

9 min