How Brazil Is Embracing Sustainability in Civil Engineering
Over the past decades, there has been an increase in frequency and intensity of natural disasters. It feels like we are in a race against time to revert a damage we have caused. Researchers from different countries are engaging to find sustainable solutions to several issues so future generations will also be able to enjoy our planet. Discover how Brazil is involved in this race.
Updated on March 1, 2019
![civil engineers in Brazil](,format&rect=105,0,1900,700&w=60)
Global warming and climate change are a worldwide concern and researchers are joining efforts towards finding solutions for a problem that affects both our and future generations. The manufacturing of conventional construction materials has a significant impact on the environment not only because it consumes oxygen and releases several pollutants into the atmosphere but also because the solid waste from these materials are difficult to recycle and may damage soil and underground water.
In this context, alternative materials and recycling combined provide options to replace conventional materials.
However, despite the general population recognizing the need for a change, people are skeptical about the durability and safety of alternative materials. Thus, researchers must assure the population that renewable materials:
- (1) may be an excellent alternative to their non-renewable counterparts,
- (2) are safe to use when they comply with current standards for a specific application, and
- (3) may add value by providing strength, thermal/sound insulation, beauty, and durability
Natural fibers are among alternative renewable materials and their use in composites is ancient. As Brazil has many natural resources, making use of those resources to create new renewable products is a clever strategy. Recent studies by some Brazilian researchers are focusing on the use of plant fiber-reinforced composites for various construction applications.
To this end, the knowledge about the chemical, mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties of these composites and the understanding about how they affect composite processing, performance, and durability is very important to direct their use to the appropriate application (2-4, 8, 21). Other studies have focused on the surface modification of different plant fibers with the purpose of improving the adhesion between the components of fiber-reinforced composites and providing better performance and longer life to the final products (1, 12, 13, 26, 27).
Some of the applications for non-conventional construction materials being studied in Brazil include: fiber-Cement (24, 26, 27, 28), roofing (6, 15, 16, 19, 30), bricks (23), panels (9), prisms and mini-walls (8), indoor revetments (1, 3, 4, 10). These new materials, which are plant fiber composites developed to meet certain requirements, also bring charm to the architectural project and add value to the final product.
They are not only environmentally friendly and renewable, but they also have many advantages compared to synthetic fiber-reinforced materials, to wit: plant fibers grow fast and in almost any part of the Brazilian territory, are inexpensive, may be found as waste, save energy, are not harmful to humans, prevent erosion, have low density, are biodegradable, avoid formation of fissures in composites, and increase tensile strength of floorings and concrete pavements.
However, they also present some disadvantages, such as low durability (if untreated), variability in properties, and weak adhesion to numerous matrices.
Current Research Supporting Engineering Efforts
As research on this topic advances, conventional construction materials are slowly being replaced with their non-conventional counterparts. Currently, there are several options for eco-friendly materials available in the market and some of them are being used in eco-houses as part of social programs in Brazil.
For example, in the municipality of Lages (SC), Brazil, affordable houses of approximately 42 meters squared are being built with recycled materials (17, 18). Each house costs on average BRL 7,000 (~ US $2,072) and takes only 15 days to be built compared to 3 months for a conventional house. In addition, these eco-houses lead to savings on the order of BRL 13,000 (~ US $3,848).
Public workers from the municipality of Lajes are the ones making the bricks from soil cement mixed with biomass ashes (from waste generated by the wood industry) and glass sand. Styrofoam glue is used in place of mortar for brick fixation, which is a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative. The roof is made of recycled windshields; windows and doors are also made from recycled materials.
The research group of Professor José Ubiragi de Lima Mendes from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) is also involved in meeting the needs of low income communities by producing alternative unburnt bricks made of soil-cement reinforced with coconut fibers (14). The results are promising and indicate that the bricks can be produced in a mechanical press or at the construction site using a manual mold press. The values obtained for density, water absorption, axial compressive strength, and acoustic and thermal insulation of the bricks were considered good.
In the same way natural fibers have been used to make environmentally friendly construction products, using construction waste to produce natural resources closes the sustainability cycle. Considering that two thirds of solid wastes in Brazil come from civil construction, finding ways to reuse those residues is of utmost importance.
![Person laying bricks](,format&rect=0,0,1199,733&w=60)
With this purpose, the researcher Marcos Canto Machado from the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture of the University of Sao Paulo (ESALQ/USP) focused on the recycling of construction wastes (11,20).
They started by screening stones, bricks and concrete pieces, which were milled, and then separated according to particle size. Usually, larger particles are used in infrastructure works, which are only a small portion of this waste. The ESALQ researchers aimed to also reuse the finer particles and analized their use in the fertilization of plant crops and landscaping works. Before being applied to the soil, milled waste was checked for toxic elements and agronomical properties. After that, necessary corrections were made so that the waste would promote plant development.
In addition to the aforementioned materials, this study also included waste from gypsum because they contain sulphates, which can reach water bodies or form toxic substances. The new product was applied to emerald grass with promising results and plant development was similar to the one when a traditional soil was used.
These are only some of the numerous studies being carried out in Brazil. Considering that financial resources in this country are limited, making the most of its many natural resources and its researchers' creativity may be the solution for the challenges imposed by the sustainability in Brazil.
View accompanying articles on eco-friendly construction materials and properties of plant fiber composites!
- (1) Barros, L. F., Nogueira, A. O. M., Siqueira, P. L., Moreira, J. C.; A utilização da fibra de bananeira para a produção de compósitos [Use of banana tree fiber for the production of composites]; XII Encontro Latino Americano de Iniciação Científica, VIII Encontro Latino Americano de Pós-Graduação, and II Encontro Latino Americano de Iniciação Científica Júnior - Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, 2008; Available from:; Accessed on May 4, 2018
- (2) Correia, V.C., Santos, S.F., Savastano Jr., H., Effect of the Accelerated Carbonation in Fibercement Composites Reinforced with Eucalyptus Pulp and Nanofibrillated Cellulose, Intl. Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering Vol:9, No:1, 2015; Available from:; Accessed on May 4, 2018
- (3) Cunha, P. W. S.; Estudo sobre as potencialidades de compósitos à base de gesso e fibras de coco seco para aplicação na construção civil [Study on the potential of gypsum and coconut fiber-based composites for use in civil constructions]; PhD thesis, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), 2012; Available from:; Accessed on May 23, 2018
- (4) Demarchi, C. A.; Aplicabilidade de placas de fibras de bananeira: Produção, caracterização e absorção sonora [Aplicability of boards made of banana tree fibers: Production, characterization and sound absorption]; Master's thesis, State University of Londrina (UEL), 2010; Available from:; Accessed on May 4, 2018
- (5) Diniz, M.F.; Sustentabilidade: Fibras Vegetais [Sustainability: Plant Fibers]; Available from:; Accessed on April 29, 2018
- (6); Pesquisa da USP usa materiais de construção no cultivo de plantas [Research at USP uses construction materials for plant cultivation], 2016; Retrieved from:; Accessed on May 23, 2018
- (7); Pesquisadores da Universidade Federal de Lavras desenvolvem telhas feitas de eucalipto [Researchers at the Federal University of Lavras develop roof tiles made of eucalyptus]; Retrieved from:; Accessed on June 6, 2018
- (8) Izquierdo, I.S.; Uso de fibra natural de sisal em blocos de concreto para alvenaria estrutural [Use of sisal natural fiber in concrete blocks for structural masonry]; Master's thesis, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo, 2011; Available from:; Accessed on June 6, 2018
- (9) Leão, A. L., Pupo, H. F. F., Ferreira, M. Z., and Cherian, B. M.; Panels produced from thermoplastic composites reinforced with peach palm fibers for use in the civil construction and furniture industry; Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, V. 556, pages 246-253, 2012; Available from:; Accessed on June 6, 2018
- (10) Leidens, N., Nunes, I. S., and Alves, P. S.; Produção de chapas de material polimérico reciclado e fibras naturais [Manufacturing of sheets from recycled polymeric materials and natural fibers]; VIII Simpósio Iberoamericano em Comércio Internacional, Desenvolvimento e Integração Regional, Oct. 26-27, 2017
- (11) Machado, M. C.; Resíduos de construção e demolição como substrato para plantas: avaliação química e ambiental [Construction and demolition waste as substrate for plants: chemical and environmental evaluation]; PhD thesis, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo, 2016
- (12) Marcon, J. S., Mulinari, D. R., Cioffi, M. O. H., Voorwald, H. J. C.; Estudo da modificação da fibra proveniente da coroa de abacaxi para a formação de compósitos poliméricos [Study of modification of fibers from pineapple crown for the formation of polymeric composites]; Proceedings of the 10º Congresso Brasileiro de Polímeros – Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil – October, 2009; Available from:; Accessed on June 8, 2018
- (13) Miranda, C. S., Fiuza, R. P., Carvalho, R. F. and José, N. M.; Efeito dos tratamentos superficiais nas propriedades do bagaço da fibra de piaçava *Attalea funifera Martius* [Effect of surface treatment on properties of bagasse piassava fiber *Attalea funifera Martius*]; Quim. Nova, Vol. 38, No. 2, 161-165, 2015; Available from:; Accessed on June 8, 2018
- (14) Nascimento, C. M.; Estudo da fibra de coco como reforço em tijolo de solocimento [Study of coconut fiber as reinforcement in soil-cement bricks], 2011; Available from:; Accessed on May 11, 2018
- (15) Oliveira, M. S.; Desenvolvimento e caracterização de telhas cimentícias reforçadas com tecido de fibras vegetais da Amazônia [Development and characterization of cement roof tiles reinforced with plant fiber from the Amazon]; Master's thesis, Federal University of Amazon, 2017; Available from:; Accessed on June 9, 2018
- (16) Passos, P. R. A.; Destinação sustentável de cascas de coco (cocos nucifera) verde: obtenção de telhas e chapas de partículas [Sustainable destination for green coconut (cocos nucifera) fibers: obtainment of roof tiles and particle boards]; PhD thesis, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE-UFRJ), 2009; Available from:; Accessed on May 23, 2018
- (17) Prefeitura de Lajes; Casas feitas com materiais sustentáveis terão seis cômodos [Houses built with sustainable materials will have six rooms], 2016; Available from:; Accessed on June 9, 2018
- (18) RBSTV; Casas feitas com material reciclado resultam em economia em Lages, SC [Houses build with recycled materials result in savings in Lajes, SC, Brazil], 2016; Available from:; Accessed on May 11, 2018
- (19) Rede Amazônica; Telhado de fibra de juta é desenvolvido em universidade federal do AM [Jute fiber roofing is developed at the Federal University of Amazonas]; Available from:; Accessed on May 11, 2018
- (20) Revista Encontro; Sobras de construção civil podem ser recicladas e usadas no cultivo de plantas [Construction leftovers can be recycled and used in plant cultivation]; Retrieved from:; Accessed on May 4, 2018
- (21) Rosa, B. P.; Caracterização mecânica e térmica de um polímero termorrígido modificado com fibra de buriti [Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of a thermoset polymer modified with burity fiber]; PhD thesis, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), 2017; Available from:; Accessed on June 6, 2018
- (22) Rossi, E. A., Leidens, N., Nunes, I. S., Alves, P. S.; Produção de chapas de material polimérico reciclado e fibras naturais [Production of plates made of recycled Polymer and natural fibers]; Proceedings of the III Encontro Nacional de Propriedade Intelectual, ISSN: 2526-0154. Santo ngelo/ RS, 2017. V.3/N.1/ p. 216-218, 2017
- (23) Silva, A. C., Soares, R. N., Matos, E. M. V.; Componentes construtivos com utilização de terra crua e fibra de coco: alternativa socioeconômica para habitação popular [Construction components using raw soil and coconut fiber: a socioeconomic alternative for popular housing]; Retrieved from:; Accessed on May 11, 2018
- (24) Silva, D. W.; Propriedades físico-mecânicas de fibrocimento reforçado com fibras de eucalipto tratadas termicamente [Physical-mechanical properties of fiber-cement reinforced with eucalyptus fiber heat-treated]; Master's thesis, Federal University of Lavras, 2015; Retrieved from:; Accessed on February 28, 2019
- (25) Soares, V.; Fibras Vegetais na Construção Civil [Plant Fibers in Civil Construction], 2015; Available from:; Accessed on May 4, 2018
- (26) Tonoli, G. H. D.; Fibras curtas de eucalipto inovam tecnologias em fibrocimento [Short eucalyptus fibers innovate fibercement technology]; Available from:; Accessed on May 4, 2018
- (27) Tonoli, G. H. D.; Fibras curtas de Eucalipto para novas tecnologias em fibrocimento [Short eucalyptus fibers for new fibercement technology]; PhD thesis, Sao Paulo University, 2009; Available from:; Accessed on June 6, 2018
- (28) Tonoli, G. H. D., Savastano Jr, H., Fuente, E., Negro, C., Blanco, A., Rocco Lahr, F. A.; Eucalyptus pulp fibres as alternative reinforcement to engineered cement-based composites; Industrial Crops and Production, Vol. 31, Issue 2, March 2010; Abstract available from:; Accessed on May 24, 2018
- (29) Tudo sobre Arquitetura e Tecnologia das Construções [Everything about architecture and Construction Technology]; 2012 Available from:; Accessed on May 4, 2018
- (30) Universidade Federal do Amazonas; Pesquisadores da UFAM produzem ecotelha a partir de fibras amazônicas [Researchers from the Federal University of Amazonas make eco-roof tile from Amazon fibers], 2016; Available from:; Accessed on May 11, 2018