Researcher Tools Review: Delicious
Once we have filtered through the vast scholarly literature and other online sources, how can we keep track of the most relevant and/or interesting content?
Updated on July 29, 2014

Staggering increases in global research output, increased access to that output, and increasing value placed on output beyond journal articles are popular topics these days. How to gauge the quality of the large quantity and new types of output is also a major discussion point, spawning debates about such issues as post-publication peer review, altmetrics, and research credibility. In turn, a key question arises: once we have filtered through the vast scholarly literature and other online sources, how can we keep track of the most relevant and/or interesting content? Reference managers and file folders are helpful in storing journal articles, and bookmarking in a web browser can be used to track other resources online, including blogs, videos, news sites, and laboratories', funders', and publishers' homepages. However, valuable resources may be lost in the shuffle as these links amass and the reasoning behind each bookmark is forgotten.
As a caveat, this company was sold in May 2014 and may undergo changes in the future.