AJE’s Automated Grammar Check Tool: Get Your LAT Score

Is your paper ready for submission to a high-impact academic journal? Use our fast, free Language Assessment Tool (LAT) to check whether your paper is clear and accurate.

An AJE English editor after using the Grammar Check Tool

Sign up to use Grammar Check for free

Ensure your grammar is ready for journal submission.

AJE’s free Grammar Check speeds up the process of checking language quality

Grammar Check can help you understand whether your paper could benefit from language revisions before submitting to your target journal. We have used state-of-the-art machine learning to create a tool specifically for academic and technical writing.

An AJE English Language editor helping to speed up the academic publishing

Automated grammar check tool for academic and technical writing

Developed for researchers, AJE’s language assessment automated grammar check tool was created using data from over 300,000 academic papers from all fields of study.

Created by professional English editors with advanced degrees

Our machine learning model was trained using documents edited by native English-speaking editors with graduate degrees in every discipline.

Fast, free, and informative

Your free evaluation will be generated in seconds, giving you a clear language score as well as recommendations on how to improve your work.

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Starting at $38


Abhay Joshi


"My first attempt at getting an academic paper accepted in an international journal was never an easy job, until I knew about AJE. They will give perfect and correct advice before you submit a paper. It will not only reduce your stress but even improve your academic writing skill. Thank you very much for the great prompt service."

Dr. Jong Jin Oh


"AJE service is contributing to accelerate the publication process of my manuscripts. I expect [they have] increased the probability of acceptance. I am very thankful and will recommend [AJE] for my friends and students."

Xavier Morelli


“I was fed up with comments like ‘English is poorly written’… so I contacted AJE and got what I needed: ‘your paper is accepted for publication’”

Alexander Hofmann


"Landing three papers in three top journals of my research field was my first personal experience with AJE. The editorial work of AJE was excellent. I highly recommend the service of AJE to all young scientists who want to perfect their scientific English."

Angelo Antonio Agostinho


"AJE’s service is contributing to accelerate the publication process of my manuscripts and increasing the probability of acceptance. I have been recommending [AJE] for my friends and students."


Z. Faltusová


Very good and helpful editing service for non English speakers. My manuscript was accepted without any language comments.

Frequently asked questions

Further assistance for researchers

Visit our AJE Scholar Author Resource Center for articles on preparing your manuscript, thesis, or grant.