Manuscript Formatting Services

We can help you format your manuscript to meet the exact specifications of your target journal.

The AJE manuscript formatting experts formatting an academic manuscript


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field-specific topics in 400+ areas of study

1 million+

authors served in 192 countries

Scientific and Academic Manuscript Formatting Services

Formatting your manuscript is a tedious step in the academic research process.

The AJE helping researchers through the academic journey

We’ll format your academic manuscript

Our formatting experts will modify your page layout, text formatting, headings, title page, image placement, and citations/references to meet the guidelines of your target journal, while maintaining your document in either Word or LaTeX.

We make sure all aspects of your paper comply with your target journal’s guidelines

We will also check the accuracy of your references and will indicate if you need to revise the paper so your title, running head, abstract, main text, and figure legends comply with the journal’s word count restrictions.

Our Support Team is with you

Questions about the formatting of your paper? Follow up with our team for more details about our formatting work.

AJE is trusted by the most respected names in scientific publishing

We’re also Nature’s preferred provider of author services.

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Sample Manuscript Formatting edits

$75 for full manuscript formatting, including page layout, text formatting, headings, title page, figure placement, and references to ensure agreement with the guidelines of your target journal.

Manuscript Formatting

Our Formatting team will modify your headings, word count, and text to comply with your target journal’s guidelines.

"My first attempt at getting an academic paper accepted in an international journal was never an easy job, until I knew about AJE. They will give perfect and correct advice before you submit a paper. It will not only reduce your stress but even improve your academic writing skill. Thank you very much for the great prompt service."

Abhay Joshi

United States

It was the second time I used AJE editing services, each time I got helpfull comments and corrections, improving a lot the papers quality. They are really proffessional and I will use it again next time I have to send a paper in English.




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Starting at $38

Frequently asked questions

Questions for our formatting team? See common questions researchers like you ask our staff.

The AJE Guarantee

Our services are backed by our Quality Guarantee

Formatted to your target journal’s requirements

We guarantee that your paper will be formatted according to your target journal’s guidelines, and we will provide comments describing any missing elements that are required for submission.


If the editor of your target journal mentions any problems with the formatting of your paper, we will reformat your paper for free.

Reach out with your concerns

Although a relatively rare occurrence, if a journal mentions English as a problem in a manuscript that we edited, we want to know. Please contact us with the file that you sent to the journal and all the comments from the journal. Our empathetic customer service team will reply within one United States business day to explain how we can help you.

Contact us

Please contact us if you are looking for the journal manuscript formatting services. If a journal mentions formatting as a problem, please include the file that you sent to the journal and all the comments from the journal.

An AJE editor guaranteeing satisfaction with your academic editing and translation services

Further assistance for researchers

Visit our AJE Scholar Author Resource Center for articles on preparing your manuscript, thesis, or grant.