Journal Recommendations Matched to Your Publishing Goals

Our team of journal finders will help you select suitable journals for your article based on topic, scope, impact, and your specific publishing goals.

An AJE academic editing expert helping a clinical science researcher select a journal for publication


journals and societies recommend AJE


field-specific topics in 400+ areas of study

1 million+

authors served in 192 countries

AJE is trusted by the most respected names in scientific publishing

We’re also Nature’s preferred provider of author services.

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Sample journal finder report

Download a sample of our Journal Recommendation report.

Journal Recommendation

Download a sample of our Journal Recommendation service.

Get the most from our Journal Recommendation reports

Each Journal Recommendation report is customized to your individual needs. Tell us your specific publishing goals when you submit your order.

Three AJE partners

Provide a specific impact factor range

If impact factor is important to you, provide a specific impact factor range. The minimum impact range we can accommodate is two points to ensure we can provide a suitable selection of SCI journals.

Let us know your preferred field of study

If your work is multidisciplinary but you would prefer to publish in a particular field, tell us your preferred field.

Confirm any specific index requirements

Tell us if you are looking for journals listed in a particular index (e.g., SCIE, AHCI, SSCI) to ensure we only include relevant titles.

Limit non-relevant recommendations

If appropriate, please let us know any journals you have already submitted to, or are not interested in publishing in, so that we don’t include these in our recommendations.

“My editor was fantastic. Since I am an international student, I needed help with wordiness, verb use and awkward sentences. Without changing my idea, the editor suggested correction and indicated where revision was necessary. He also offered better use of words suitable to academic papers. Very recommended.”

Mirit E.

University of California Los Angeles

"I am very pleased with AJE's English editing service. I have used this service in all my publications, and I am excited to use it again. I can say that AJE's work is critical because the review identifies errors that are not obvious to those who have English as a second language. The team is accessible throughout the review process, has a high level of technicality and professionalism, so I acknowledge AJE's merit for significantly improving the quality of my manuscripts. I highly recommend their services"

Bruno Ricardo Barreto Pires

MD | Oncology

Frequently asked questions

Quick answers from our team on using our Journal Recommendation service

No. We do not perform peer review of your paper, so we are unable to determine the likelihood of acceptance in any particular journal. We cannot critically evaluate the scientific content of your paper to determine whether it belongs in a top-tier journal. We cannot guarantee that a journal we select will review or accept your paper.

Most journals do not provide information about the speed of their review process or the typical length of time from submission to publication. We cannot provide information that is not publicly available from the publishers and editors of a given journal.

The AJE Journal Recommendation service is journal-independent. We will not communicate directly with journal editors about your manuscript. Our Journal Recommendation report will provide useful information about journals that may be a good fit for your paper based on the content of your work, but ultimately, editorial decisions are made by the journal’s editorial staff, not AJE. We are here to support you throughout the publication process but cannot guarantee journal acceptance.

The AJE Guarantee

AJE team members are experts in their field of study. They fully understand the importance of publication. We’re committed to helping you succeed with your publication goals. We stand behind our approach to quality. All of our services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

100% satisfaction guarantee

We’re committed to helping you succeed with your publication goals. We stand behind our approach to quality. All of our services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Industry-leading ethics policy

We’re committed to ethical practices in our business and the highest standards of integrity across all our services.

Quality outcomes for every project

Your experience matters to us. When you choose AJE services, you can be assured of the same high standards and consistency for every paper thanks to our robust training and policies.

An AJE editor guaranteeing satisfaction with your academic editing and translation services

Further assistance for researchers

Visit our AJE Scholar Author Resource Center for articles on preparing your manuscript, thesis, or grant.