iThenticate compares content against 97% of the top 10,000 cited journals
iThenticate screens manuscripts for 1500 top publishers across the world
journals and societies recommend AJE
Accurate plagiarism & citation check
Submit a plagiarism-free paper with AJE’s Plagiarism Check.
Citation check
Our AI tool thoroughly checks your manuscript to ensure that no citations are missing, helping you avoid potential issues related to incomplete or inaccurate referencing.
Plagiarism prevention
We understand the importance of avoiding accusations of plagiarism. Our language assessment tool helps you understand and avoid any potential plagiarism issues in your work.
Subject-specific expertise
Our team of experts spans over 400 academic fields, offering you unparalleled support in achieving your publication goals.

AJE is trusted by the most respected names in scientific publishing.
We’re also Nature’s preferred provider of author services.
Sample Plagiarism Check
iThenticate Report
The upper right corner presents the comprehensive Similarity Index for the entire manuscript. To help users identify potential instances of plagiarized text, the Match Overview provides information about database sources to investigate. It includes the similarity index and the number of similar words specifically for those sources.
iThenticate Guide
The purpose of an iThenticate® Similarity Report is to identify similarity between text in your manuscript and text in published sources, such as published journal articles. This similarity may be considered plagiarism by your target journal, preventing your manuscript from being reviewed and slowing your path to publication.

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Visit our AJE Scholar Author Resource Center for articles on preparing your manuscript, thesis, or grant.